New York City. The happiest place on earth. Okay, actually it’s tied with Disney World, but still. Our last weekend in DC, Ryan and I hopped on a bus to New York, and we got to stay with our very best friends in the whole entire world. It was a dream come true.
We got in super late (because we took a bus and since when is that a good idea? but it was by far the cheapest way to get to the city, so I guess we can’t really complain) and met up with our friends at The Meatball Shop. NYC really is the city that never sleeps. That might be one of my favorite parts about it. It’s always alive and people are always running off to somewhere and the lights are always shining (solid location for someone who’s still afraid of the dark 🙈). After our dinner at midnight, we spent the next four hours talking nonstop and just catching up on life and love and happiness. There’s truly nothing better than reconnecting with your best friend. It was like a married couple sleepover, which I really think should happen more often.
The next morning we woke up and had brunch at Hu Kitchen, aka the restaurant of my dreams. The whole place is paleo approved and just another reason I need to live in the city. After breakfast we walked through Washington Square Park and made our way over to the 9/11 Memorial Museum. If you haven’t been, I highly recommend it. It’s incredibly moving and a very reverent experience. 9/11 was such an integral part of our generation’s life, and I’m overwhelmed by the beauty and emotion built into the exhibit. You could spend an entire day there. One of my favorite parts is the art wall when you walk in that’s described as “trying to remember the color of the sky” where every single page is a different shade of blue. It’s incredible and moving and shows such raw talent.
After the memorial museum, we walked out to the harbor and enjoyed the sun shining on Lady Liberty and gawked at the ginormous yachts. Ryan and I decided that our life goal is to live on a yacht, because it’s the perfect solution for both of us. We both get to be in the sun and on the water, but he gets to be moving while I can lie perfectly still. It’s really the perfect compromise. Then we met up with our friends doing internships in the city for the summer and went to the One World Trade Center. I’ve been to Top of the Rock quite a few times, and I LOVE that view, but this was such a fun (and indoor) experience. You can see the entire city, and on the elevator ride up, you get to watch the city being built from the ground up, which might have actually been my favorite part.
We accidentally spent a little too much time there and ended up literally running from our Taxi down Broadway trying to make it to Finding Neverland in time. It was a dream come true watching my best friend on Broadway. Not to mention it’s an incredible show. I cried real tears at the end of it. Clearly I didn’t remember how it ended before we went in. After the show, we got to go on stage and see all the magic that is Broadway.
The next morning we jumped on the Subway and made our way over to Lincoln Center and church. We spent the rest of the day strolling around the city, walking the High Line, and making our way to Times Square before we headed back to DC. There is truly nothing better than walking hand-in-hand with the love of your life in New York City. Now, how much longer until we can go back?