Now that we’ve officially made it through the 4th trimester (twice), I wanted to share with you my newborn essentials! Being a first-time mom, it can be overwhelming knowing what and how much you actually need when every time you turn around, there’s another ad for a “must have” baby product. And while I’m sure every product is a “life saver” for someone, but since we live in a small house, I wanted to make sure everything we got had a purpose, so I tried to keep all of our purchases to what was as necessary and minimal as possible. I decided that anything we didn’t absolutely NEED right away, we could always order on Amazon or make a Target run after baby was born and then get what we still wanted. Every mom has her list of “must-haves,” and it’s all a little different because every baby and every mom is different, but I wanted to share what’s worked for us. I also wanted to share the things we thought we needed, but didn’t actually need to help you decide if you really want those things too! So here is my list of newborn essentials!

Newborn Essentials:
I thought I would need more bottles than I do, but since I breastfeed and only give my babies a bottle if I’m away for a few hours, I only have a few bottles and that’s worked really well for us. I haven’t tried a lot of other bottles, but both of my babies have taken this one right away. It has a slow flow nipple, so luckily we’ve never had any issues going from bottle to breast. It was recommended to me in the hospital to wait until one month to give her a bottle to make sure we’d established a good latch, but I did have to give her a bottle for the first time at two weeks when I had to have a follow-up surgery, and it never affected our breastfeeding journey.
Burp Cloths:
I love these ones, because they’re so soft and they come in a pack of eight. I keep one on our bedside table, one in the diaper bag, and one in our living room. Having one that’s in arms reach at all times is super necessary, because you literally never know when your baby is going to spit up. Luna hardly ever spits up (luckily), which means we only have one pack and that’s honestly plenty. I know all babies are different, but let me just say, people kept telling me I would be covered in spit up and Luna has only ever spit up on me a handful of times. She spits up, but most of the time it’s when she’s lying down, so I’ve never even had to change my shirt from spit up. So it is possible that your baby won’t spit up all the time. It’s also possible that they will and there’s no way to know, haha.
Since I work from home and I’m hardly ever away from Luna, I hardly pump, BUT when I do pump, I use this hand pump and honestly, I love it. I struggled with pumping a lot with my first and this one makes it easy to use, it’s not expensive, and you can easily bring it with you on-the-go. I also used the Elvie with my daughter, and since it takes me a long time to pump enough to be worth it, I love the freedom of being able to pop this in my bra and go for a drive or get up and make breakfast while I’m pumping and not have to be sitting down and plugged into a wall. It worked well for what it was but I didn’t love it, so I’m trying the Willow Go this time around. It’s also so portable, which makes it easy for travel and that was a major deciding factor for me. Full disclosure, I originally went with the Elvie because you can buy them individually, and I only bought one, because it’s pretty expensive and our insurance doesn’t cover it. It’s great for how much I use it, but if you can get both, you’ll get twice as much milk in the same amount of time. I don’t know why I didn’t realize that before, haha. I like these storage bags for milk that I pump and freeze.
Nipple Butter:
What I Didn’t Need:
Nursing pillow: With my first, I ordered a nursing pillow, and I loved the idea, but I ended up returning it because I literally never used it. And I’ve never used one with my second either. I know some people swear by their nursing pillows, but I could barely sit up straight the first few months, so this type of pillow just didn’t work for me, and it’s always been easier for me to just cradle them in my arms and use a pillow on our couch or something to support my arm if I need it.
Bottle Warmer: If you plan on exclusively breastfeeding, I wouldn’t worry about one of these. It depends on your baby for sure, but my daughter would literally take a bottle that’s freezing cold and my son is too picky about the temperature either. Both my babies have only taken a bottle about once a week (at most), so even though I thought I needed one of these, I very rarely use it. If you plan on using formula, there are a lot more things you’ll want to take into consideration, like a bottle warmer, more bottles, a Baby Brezza, and a sterilizer.
Nursing Pads: I very rarely leak, and when I do it’s usually in the middle of the night. I know that seems like a miracle to some people, and I’d never heard of anyone never leaking while nursing or establishing their milk supply, but it hasn’t happened to me either time around, so I’ve never used pads or anything to stop leaking.

Nest IG Wave Crib:
BabyBjörn Bassinet:
Owlet sleep sock:
Hatch Rest + Sound Machine:
Snuggle Me Lounger:
Baby Blanket:
What I Thought I Wanted, but Didn’t Actually Need:

Tubby Todd:
We did a LOT of research into the best body wash and lotions for babies, and we ultimately decided Tubby Todd hair and body wash and everyday lotion was the right choice for us. We use the fragrance-free options, and Luna has never had a rash or any sort of breakout and I’m so grateful that this has never caused any sort of reaction for her. It’s so nice that a little bit goes a long way too! We have the 8.5 oz bottles and they have lasted us months! Use this link and a 10% discount will automatically be applied at checkout.
Fridababy Bath Brush:
We got this little bath brush for Luna and we love it! It’s so gentle on her skin and it helps wash her hair without getting soap all over. It’s also been really helpful for craddle cap with our son. It’s also easy to bring with us while we travel and it suction cups to the shower wall, which makes it easy to keep track of.
Bath Towel:
You don’t necessarily need a specific bath towel for your baby, but we really love having this little one that has a little hood to cover her head. We’ve found that the faster we dry their head off, the quicker they calm down. This towel is super soft and the little hood is truly so cute when it’s on.
Baby Bath Tub:

UPPAbaby Vista V2 Stroller:
Whether you’re just going for walks around town or on a trip, a stroller is a must with a baby. We have the UPPAbaby Vista V2 and absolutely love it. It’s really convenient because it has a big basket for storage and comes with a bassinet which is perfect for the infant stage! Especially while your baby is getting used to being in the carseat, it’s nice to not have to put them in a car seat just to go on a walk. The V2 also drives SO nicely. The wheels are really big and it just rides super smoothly. We went with the V2, because it can be used as a double stroller too. We have used it all around town, to the beach, for Disneyland days, and we truly love it!
Doona Car Seat & Stroller:
We absolutely LOVE our Doona! It is SO convenient and absolutely amazing for travel! Since it’s both a carseat and a stroller, it’s literally all you have to bring with you. You don’t have to worry about checking a car seat, lugging the stroller around, and then gate checking the stroller. The Doona is so nice too, because if you buy a seat for your baby (or get lucky with an open seat on the plane), you can bring the Doona on the plane with you and strap in the carseat to the seat, because it’s FAA approved. Or you can gate check it if you need too. With our second, it’s made running errands with two and preschool drop off so much easier and more convenient. I truly cannot recommend it enough!
Gripe Water:
Flying can upset babies bellies and also just the change of environment and extra stimulation can cause babies to get a little fussy or overwhelmed, so we like having gripe water on hand to help calm our babies down. We love this gripe water, because our pediatrician recommended it and it’s worked really well for us! We also use it at home to help baby relax on those hard days when nothing else seems to work.
Travel Sound Machine:
On-the-go naps go so much better and last so much longer with a sound machine, so it is essential that we have a sound machine with us at all times. This sound machine is so easy to use, plays a few different sound options, and lasts for hours. It also has a little clip that makes it easy to put onto the stroller or car seat. I honestly wish I had three, because I feel like we need one for the car, one for the beach bag, and one for the diaper bag, so we have one charged and ready to use at all times haha.
Travel Crib:
We always travel with our own travel crib, because I can’t tell you how many times we have shown up to a hotel and they either couldn’t find a crib to give us or the one they had didn’t meet safe sleep standards. And there is nothing worse than getting to a hotel after a long travel day and having to wait (with a tired screaming baby) for someone else to get around to bringing and setting up a crib for you (because it’s literally taken over an hour for us before)! So we just always bring our own and we love this one! It’s so compact and lightweight, so it’s really easy to travel with. And I swear it helps our kids sleep better while traveling, because their travel bed is always the same. Plus the mattress is so much softer than a traditional pack-n-play.

I know every baby is different, and some babies get diaper rash, but we use these Honest diapers and have absolutely loved them. They work the best for us and seem to contain everything really well. I also love the wet indicator on the front so I know if it’s time to change them or not. Neither of my babies have ever gotten really bad diaper rash from them and I really love that they’re safe for baby and the planet.
Water Wipes:
We love these wipes. To be honest, we used to use Water Wipes, but they must have changed the formula or something because they give our son an awful rash. So we switched to Honest Sensitive Fragrance-Free Wipes and haven’t had any problems since. Be careful not to leave these open, because they dry out pretty quickly, and they’re definitely not effective when they’re dry.
Gathre mats:
Gathre mats make diaper changes so much easier. I have one of their micro mats in my diaper bag and another on our changing table. They can be wiped down really easily, so you don’t have to worry about doing laundry if there’s a mess while you’re changing a diaper and it feels more hygienic to lay one of these down when you’re out than using a public changing table. We also love the midi size for the beach or hanging at the park. It is SO much easier to wipe sand or dirt off of than a towel. The midi size is also what we use at home for her to lay on for tummy time and floor play. It makes it so if they spit up during tummy time (which they do a LOT as a newborn) our rug isn’t ruined, and we can easily wipe it up.
Changing pad:
I thought I would change Luna on the floor in our living room all the time, so I wouldn’t really need a changing pad. Turns out, she’s almost 6 months, and I don’t think I’ve ever changed her on the floor at home. It’s been so much easier for me to change her on the changing table. This is the one we have, and it’s really convenient and waterproof. We have it on top of our dresser.
Diaper Cream:
We try really hard to make sure everything we use a diaper cream that is as clean and organic as possible. Since pretty much all babies get at least a little diaper rash, it’s good to have diaper cream on hand. We have a few different brands, but this one and this one are our favorites. Usually after applying this once or twice, any little bit of redness goes away! A little bit goes a long way too, so you don’t need much.
Things I Thought I Needed, but Didn’t:
Diaper Pail: We used one of these with our first, and honestly the smell of the actual trash can is truly so awful I can’t stand it. This time around we just throw them in our normal trash and take it out at the end of the day.

I love having a baby carrier! It’s so nice to be able to use your hands and still be close and snuggly with your baby, and they’re great for on-the-go or even when you’re desperate to get your baby to nap and they’re fighting it. I have both the BabyBjörn Carrier and the Artipoppe Carrier and I use them both almost every day. They can both be used from newborn until they’re about 3, which is so nice to just have one carrier for a long time. And they can both be used facing you, forward facing, or on your back. The Artipoppe is honestly so expensive and really like a designer baby carrier, haha, but it is beautiful, so easy to get on by yourself, and you definitely get a lot of use out of it. Basically having a carrier is a little miracle worker, because you can keep your baby close and have your hands free again. And when you have a toddler running around too, you need your hands free as much as possible haha. And they’re both machine washable which is a must in case baby spits up or has a blow out in it.
I love dressing my babies up! It’s truly one of my favorite things! I know a lot of people say not to buy your newborn clothes, because they outgrow them, but I love putting them in new outfits and I love taking pictures of them while they’re so tiny, so I’m so glad I bought them a few outfits I really loved. I love H&M, Zara, Jamie Kay, and Kyte baby! The Kyte Baby Zippered Footie Pajamas pajamas are truly the BEST, and I highly recommend getting 2 or 3. Both of my babies have lived in these the first few months!
Both of my babies have taken this one really well. I would recommend only buying one or two types and then waiting until you see what your baby likes before you buy a bunch, because I know babies can be particular about the type of pacifier they will take. Once you know which one works best for you, then definitely buy like eight. I swear they’re always dropping under the crib or in the car and when you need a pacifier, you want it to be in arms reach, haha.
I feel like I could go on and on about how much I love Lovevery, but their stage-based play boxes are my truly favorite, and they are literally all you need for baby toys. I feel like it’s so hard to know which toys to order and what is actually age appropriate for them to play with, and I love that Lovevery takes all of that research and stress and headache of figuring that out away for you. Also, the toys are cute and more aesthetically pleasing, so it doesn’t feel like your house is overrun by obnoxious baby toys. And even though the toys come in boxes for certain ages, babies still love the toys from the earlier boxes even as they grow up and into the older boxes. My three year old still gets so excited when they come in the mail. I just really love knowing that the toys they have are helping with brain development and actually teaching them things and not just bright and colorful and loud. The Play Gym is so nice for the early days too and especially for tummy time. Use the code: LOVEOCT90MO for 10% off!
I love having a few books on hand to read at night as part of our bedtime routine. We read this one and this one the most.
Taking Cara Babies:
We’ve taken both her newborn and her ABC’s of Sleep classes, and we have had great results with both! Her newborn sleep class really helped us feel comfortable and confident calming her down and getting her to sleep on her own and not in my arms, which was honestly a real struggle for the first month or two. The newborn class feels like the parenting baby sleep handbook you don’t get when you walk out of the hospital. It really is so helpful and there are so many answered questions in her course. The ABC’s of Sleep class is for 5-24 months, and we did it at 5 months and it was absolutely worth it.
We took the Tinyhood Childbirth 101 class, Breastfeeding Beginnings class, and the Infant CPR & Choking for Babies class and really loved all of them. The way Tinyhood classes are set up makes it really easy to digest all of the information. We love that all the classes are online, so you can watch them over time from the comfort of your own home. They’re also much more affordable than a lot of the hospital classes we looked into. They create handouts about each section too, which makes it easy to review all of the information you watch. Use the code: SAMRYAN20 for 20% off any Tinyhood course.
I haven’t finished these books entirely, but I have read sections of all of them and really liked what I’ve read in each: The Wonder Weeks, The Informed Parent, Bringing Up Bébé.
There are sooo many different products and must-have baby things on the market, but truly all babies need are diapers and love. You are the best mom for your sweet babe and no one is more equipped to love and care for your baby than you are. You’re already doing an incredible job! xox
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Wow, amazing!
How much beauty and tenderness in this post
I really enjoyed reading it a lot.
Thank you for sharing this experience and I am sure that I will keep all the tips and advice.
They are the best!